Zgodnie z obietnica dana bliskim mi osobom postawowilam prowadzic blog, aby dokumentowac moj pobyt w Australii, a im pozwolic byc nieco bardziej na biezaco z moimi przygodami ;-)

To keep the promise I gave to my dear ones, I started this blog to let them know how I am doing here in Australia :-)

piątek, 23 sierpnia 2013

Sierpien 2013 - August 2013


W telegraficznym skrocie:
- wystawa lodzi
- wizyta w ZOO - standardowo udalam sie na poszukiwanie dzikich kotow ;-)
- kolejny dzien ukonczenia kursu Academic English przez kolejna grupe moich studentow
- przygotowanie do wakacji w Polsce :-D

To make it brief:
- Boat Show
- visit to the ZOO - I wouldn't be myself if I hadn't looked for wild cats ;-)
- another Graduation Day for my students
- getting ready for my holidays in Poland :-D

Wystawa lodzi w Sydney
Sydney Boat Show

Znalazlam miejsce, gdzie moge pracowac nad opalenizna ;-)
I found a place to work on my tan ;-)

Taronga Zoo

Mala zyrafa w tutejszym zoo
A little giraffe in Taronga Zoo

Taronga Zoo

Taronga Zoo - widok miasta w tle jest ciekawy :-)
Taronga Zoo - City view in the background looks interesting :-)

Taronga Zoo

znalezione online / found online:
Lazarus - lew z Taronga Zoo (jego zdjecie profilowe z Auckland, skad pochodzi)
Lazarus - Taronga Zoo lion (his profile photo from Auckland, where he comes from)

znalezione online / found online:
Lwica w Taronga Zoo
Lioness in Taronga Zoo
(tez bym byla zla majac w kolo bambusy, skoro "pochodze" z Afryki /
I would also feel upset having bamboos around, being an animal from Africa)

Lwica zdecydowanie nie jest zachwycona bambusami
The Lioness is definitely not too happy about the bamboo

Taronga Zoo - malenstwo juz podroslo, ale zdjecie sliczne :-)
Taronga Zoo - the cub is no longer that little, but I found the photo sweet :-)

Taronga Zoo - pantera sniezna
Taronga Zoo - snow leopard

Taronga Zoo

Taronga Zoo

Taronga Zoo

Taronga Zoo

Kolejny dzien ukonczenia kursu w Navitas
Another Graduation Day in Navitas

Kolejny dzien ukonczenia kursu w Navitas
Another Graduation Day in Navitas

Kolejny dzien ukonczenia kursu w Navitas
Another Graduation Day in Navitas

...i kolejna proba kulinarna - ryba ;-)
(sprzed kilku tygodni, ale nie bylo jej na blogu)
...and another culinary attempt / experience - fish ;-)
(from a few weeks ago, haven't uploaded it on the blog)

środa, 14 sierpnia 2013

Lipiec 2013 - July 2013


Lipiec 2013 - July 2013

W lipcu wybralismy sie do Griffith. Dlugo czekalismy na te wyprawe :-) Cudowna wycieczka, niesamowite widoki po drodze, moje pierwsze kilometry w Australii za kierownica samochodu, czyli ogolnie mnostwo wrazen (wliczajac w to spocone dlonie i stres wywolany jazda po "niewlasciwej" stronie drogi). Do tego spotkania z cudownymi ludzmi, zabawy z psiakiem o wdziecznym imieniu Turbo, przejazdzki motorowe, wizyty w winiarniach, wlasnoreczne zbieranie pomaranczy, cytryn i limonek oraz odwiedziny znajomych - wlascicieli farmy migdalow. Pierwszy raz w zyciu jadlam migdaly prosto z drzewa :-) Ech... Bylo niesamowicie. Bardzo, bardzo dziekuje :-)
Oprocz tego tutejsza zimowa pogoda (dwadziescia kilka stopni w ciagu dnia ;-)) spowodowala, ze wybralismy sie rowniez na kilka spacerow w okolice Shelly Beach i Palm Beach. Zaliczylam tez wizyte na "Aroma Festival", gdzie nie moglam odmowic sobie przyjemnosciu kupienia "ludzika" z piernika :-)
In July we finally made it to Griffith - we waited a long time for that road trip :-) It was the most wonderful trip with amazing views seen on the way, my first driving experiences behind the wheel in Australia, which means lots of impressions (including sweaty palms and stress while driving on the "wrong" side of the road). On top of that, we had the chance to catch up with great people, to play with Turbo the dog, have a few motorbike rides and visit some wine wineries. we also hand-picked some oranges, lemons and limes and visited an almond farm. For the first time in my life I ate almonds straight from the tree :-) Ech... Amazning trip. Thank you very, very much :-)
Australian winter was quite mild this year (about 20 degrees during the day) so it "made" us go for a few walks by Shelly Beach and Palm Beach. I also ticked "Visit Aroma Festival" off my list, where I could not help myself as far as buying a "gingerbread man" was concerned :-)

Kwitnacy eukaliptus
Eucalyptus blossom

Historia wyglada tak:
Turbo zostal "wygnany z ogrodu"...
And the story goes like that:
Turbo was "banished from the garden"...

"Zlapali mnie na goracy uczynku..."
"I was caught red-handed..." (or red-pawed?)

Turbo: "Jestem winny." Ewa: "Coz mam uczynic?"
Turbo: "I'm guilty..." Ewa: "What should I do?"

"Czy mamy mu wybaczyc, Panie?"
"Do you think we should forgive him, Lord?"

Ewa: "Turbo, Twoje przewinienie zostalo Ci wybaczone!" Turbo: "Naprawde?"
Ewa: "Turbo, you've been forgiven!" Turbo: "Really?"

"Jestem taki szczesliwy! Przebaczyli mi!"
"I'm such a happy dog! I've been forgiven!"

Odrobina uczucia ze strony Pierre'a ;-)
A bit of affection from Pierre ;-)
Gotowa na przejazdzke Harley'em
Ready for my Harley ride

Ja i "moj" Harley
"My" Harley and I

Piekny, prawda?
Beautiful, istn't it?

Przygotowania do przejazdzki motorem crossowym
Getting ready for a cross-country bike ride
Czas na zabawe z Turbo - zabawa pt. "Oddaj ogon" ;-)
Time to play with Turbo - "Give me your tail" game ;-)
Czas na odpoczynek i chwila dla fotografa
Time to relax and pose for photos

A tymczasem u sasiadow...
At the neighbours'...

Z dedykacja dla Kornelii - przyjaciolki i oddanego weterynarza...
With a special dedication for Kornelia - a friend and a dedicated vet...

Spacer po Griffith
A walk in Griffith

Spacer po Griffith
A walk in Griffith

Sady pomaranczowe w Griffith
Orange orchards in Griffith

Sady pomaranczowe w Griffith
Orange orchards in Griffith

Sady pomaranczowe w Griffith
Orange orchards in Griffith

Sady pomaranczowe w Griffith
Orange orchards in Griffith

Sady pomaranczowe w Griffith
Orange orchards in Griffith

Farma migdalow
Almond farm

Migdaly na drzewie
Almonds on almond tree

Widoki w poblizu upraw migdalow
View near the almond farm
Czas na zbieranie cytryn :-)
Time to pick some lemons :-)
Tymi rekami je zbieralam ;-)
I picked these with my own hands ;-)

Wizyta w winiarni Westend
Visit to Westend winery

Wizyta w winiarni Westend
Visit to Westend winery

Wizyta w winiarni Westend
Visit to Westend winery
Wizyta w winiarni Westend - pyszne wino deserowe
Visit to Westend winery - delicious desert wine

Wizyta w winiarni Westend
Visit to Westend winery

Winiarnia Westend
Westend winery

Shelly Beach

Shelly Beach

W poblisu Shelly Beach
Near Shelly Beach
Aroma Festival
Aroma Festival

Aroma Festival - "deseczki na ser" stworzone z butelek
Aroma festival - bottles transformed into little cheese boards

Aroma Festival - zegary stworzone z butelek
Aroma festival - bottles transformed into clocks

Aroma Festival

Aroma Festival
Ludzik z piernika nabyty na Aroma Festival
Gingerbraed man bought at Aroma Festival
Skoro o jedzeniu mowa - takim obiadem zostalam ugoszczona :-)
Speaking of food - this beautiful dinner was cooked for me :-)

Wizyta w Palm Beach
Visit to Palm Beach

Wizyta w Palm Beach
Visit to Palm Beach

Wizyta w Palm Beach
Visit to Palm Beach

Wizyta w Palm Beach - ryba z frytkami - obowiazkowy lunch nad woda ;-)
Visit to Palm Beach - fish and chips - a "must-have lunch" when by the water

Wizyta w Palm Beach
Visit to Palm Beach

Wizyta w Palm Beach
Visit to Palm Beach