Zgodnie z obietnica dana bliskim mi osobom postawowilam prowadzic blog, aby dokumentowac moj pobyt w Australii, a im pozwolic byc nieco bardziej na biezaco z moimi przygodami ;-)

To keep the promise I gave to my dear ones, I started this blog to let them know how I am doing here in Australia :-)

niedziela, 1 czerwca 2014

Maj 2014 - May 2014

Maj 2014 - May 2014

W maju wybralismy sie odwiedzic kangury w Morisset Park :-) Sa tak przyzwyczajone do ludzi, ze wrecz oczekuja na pieszczoty typu podrapanie po klatce piersiowej lub po plecach ;-) Poza tym odkrylismy kolejne urocze miejsca w okolicach Sydney i kilka ciekawych "widokow" na ulicach, jak np. Fiat 126p ;-) A skoro o ciekawych widokach mowa, to jakis czas temu na ulicach Sydney pojawily sie kolorowe slimaki promujace festiwal sztuki (Art and About Sydney). 

Na uczelni mielismy przedstawic prezentacje pracy zaliczeniowej (Marketing Plan). Jako ze organizacja, jaka sie zajelismy byla firma Havaianas produkujaca slynne "japonki" chcielismy w tle miec ich wielki klapek, tak dla zabawy, jednak okazalo sie, ze nie tak latwo go nadmuchac (pompka nie pomogla, pluca nie wystarczyly), rownie trudno bylo potem wypuscic z niego powietrze ;-) Wazne, ze prezentacja okazala sie sukcesem pomimo braku wspolpracy ze strony klapka ;-)

Poza tym maj to byl kolejny miesiac wielu wydarzen towarzyskich:
- ceremonia wreczenia dyplomu - Andrew, brat Rose, na ktorej wreczeniu dyplomu bylam we wrzesniu konczyl University of Sydney
- urodzny Lisy - kolezanki z pracy - caly stol byl zarezerwowany dla przyjaciol z Navitas (mojej pracy) :-)
- ceremonia przyznania obywatelstwa australijskiego Moniki i Rafala

In May we went to visit the famous kangaroos at Morisset park :-) They are so used to people being around that they actually expect you to pat them or scratch their chests or backs. Apart from that we discovered some charming places around Sydney and came across some interesting sightings such as a Fiat 126p (a very popular car in Poland when I was a child). Speaking of interesting sightings some time ago (well, last year to be precise) colourful snails invaded Sydney - they promoted The City's 12th annual Art and About Sydney Festival.

At my school we had to present our assessment (Marketing Plan) to fellow students. Since we analysed and focused on Havaianas - a company that produces the famous flip-flops (thongs) called Havaianas - we wanted to have a giant inflatable Havaianas thong in the background, just for fun. We discovered, however, that it was not easy to inflate it (the pump didn't help, lungs were not enough); it wasn't easy to deflate it, either ;-) Anyway, what's most important is that the presentation was truly successful :-)

May was another month full of social events:
- graduation ceremony - I was invited to Rose's graduation ceremony in September, now her brother - Andrew - graduated from Sydney Uni
- Lisa's (friend from work) birthday - we had a whole table reserved for people from Navitas (my work)
- Monika and Rafal's citizenship ceremony

Kangury w Morisset Park
Kangaroos at Morisset Park

Kangury w Morisset Park
Kangaroos at Morisset Park

Kangury w Morisset Park
Kangaroos at Morisset Park

Zrelaksowany kangur w Morisset Park
Relaxed kangaroo at Morisset Park

Kangury w Morisset Park
Kangaroos at Morisset Park

Poglaszczesz mnie?
Will you give me a pat?

Odrobina uczucia ;-)
A bit of affection ;-)

"No podrap mnie!"
"C'mon, scratch my chest!"

Zadowolony z drapania ;-)
Happy being scratched ;-)

Okolice Morisset Park
Morsisset Park

Kwiaty w Morisset Park
Plants at Morisset Park

Sydney University

Sydney University

Sydney University

Sydney University

Andrew odbierajacy swoj dyplom
Andrew getting his Master's degree diploma

Szczesliwy absolwent
The happy graduate

International College of Management

International College of Management

International College of Management

International College of Management

Widoki w okolicy North Head, Manly
Views seen at North Head, Manly

Widok na centrum Sydney w okolicy North Head, Manly
View of the City, seen from North Head, Manly

Widok na centrum Sydney w okolicy North Head, Manly
View of the City, seen from North Head, Manly

Widok na centrum Sydney w okolicy North Head, Manly
View of the City, seen from North Head, Manly

Ceremonia przyznania obywatelstwa
Citizenship ceremony

Wcinajac przekaski na urodzinach Lisy ;-)
Munching on the entree at Lisa's b'day ;-)

Proba napompowania klapka
Attempts at inflating the thong

W polowie napompowany klapek i ekipa pracujaca nad Havaianas Marketing Plan
Half-inflated thing and the team working on Havaianas marketing Plan

... i proby usuniecie powietrza z klapka - to trwalo wieki ;-)
... and attempts at deflating the thong - it took ages ;-)

Tak mial wygladac nasz klapek
That's what our thong was supposed to look like

Havaianas Thong Challenge - organizowany w Australia Day
Havaianas Thong Challenge held on Australia Day

Maly Fiat w Sydney
"Small Fiat" in Sydney

Kolejne ciekawe graffiti
Another interesting graffiti

Widzine w Newtown
Seen in Newtown

Kolorowe slimaki promujace festiwal sztukki
Colourful snails promoting an art festival

Kolorowe slimaki promujace festiwal sztukki
Colourful snails promoting an art festival

Kolorowe slimaki promujace festiwal sztukki
Colourful snails promoting an art festival
Kolorowe slimaki promujace festiwal sztukki
Colourful snails promoting an art festival

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